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Valentina Calderai
Associate Professor
Short CV
:Valentina Calderai is Associate professor of Private law and European Private Law at the University of Pisa, her research interests range from private law (contracts, property rights, consumer protection) to the regulation of biotechnologies and bioethics (informed consent, personal autonomy, property rights in human body), with a comparative, historical, and theoretical approach. She is the Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module ‘European Heath Law and Technology’ (ELaTe), and the Scientific Coordinator of the Partner unit of the Project A Precision mEdiciNe-baSed frAMework to pediatric patients with chronic dIseases (Pensami), Funded by the Region of Tuscany. She holds undergraduate degrees (M.Sc.) in Law (University of Florence) and Philosophy (University of Urbino), and a Ph.D in private law (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna). She is an attorney licensed to practice in Italy.