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I-GENE is applying Boolean logic and nanotransducers to gene editing to significantly enhance safety.

Nanotransducers are tiny particles that can convert energy into a signal. Using multi-input AND gates that require nanotransducer activation AND the recognition of multiple specific gene loci, I-GENE plans to lock in the correct target for precise and safe gene editing and expanded therapeutic use.

I-GENE “In-Vivo Gene Editing By NanotransducErs”,
The European Project That Aims To Make Genomic Editing Safe.


I-GENE project validates new therapeutic tools for the treatment of melanoma and new biotechnological solutions for gene editing.


I-GENE project is founded by the EC under the FET-OPEN scheme, fostering novel ideas for radically new technologies.


I-GENE Consortium is composed of 5 partners (2 from Accademia and 3 from Industry), recognized for excellence in the field of gene therapy, nanomedicine, photonics and material science.

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