Mauro Pistello

Personal Information

Mauro Pistello


Short CV

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    Mauro Pistello is Full Professor of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology at the School of Medicine of the University of Pisa and the University “Vita e Salute” San Raffaele, Milan (Italy). He has worked and served as teacher for the European community and various American and European research institutions. He is director of the Clinical Virology Unit, Pisa University Hospital, Director of the Retrovirus Center, Department of Translational Research, University of Pisa, Director of Specialization School in Microbiology and Virology, Vice-President of Italian Society of Microbiology, and Ambassador for Italy of the American Society of Microbiology. His main interests are virus-host relationships, pathogenesis and therapy of retroviruses, lentiviruses, and hepatitis viruses. He was involved in the development of anti-AIDS vaccines and therapies and in the development of viral vectors used in vitro and in vivo. He has published over 180 refereed papers as well as chapters in scientific books and has served as referee for various national and international funding research agencies and scientific journals.