Personal Information
Joanna Puzewicz-Barska
Prochimia, Chief Operation Officer, Project Executive Oficer
Short CV
:PhD in biological sciences from University of Gdańsk (Poland) in 2001. In 1998 she was a scholarship holder at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. She was an expert of the European Commission under the 6th Framework Program. Employed at ProChimia Surfaces since 2008 as a Project Executive Officer. She is a co-author of scientific publications and patent application EP 2 900 826 B1 (2013). She gained experience in project management thanks to her involvement in projects: "Glyfinery - Sustainable and intergrated production of liquid biofules, bioenergy and green chemicals from glycerol in biorefineries" (7th FP; 2008-2012); "Nanofacturing - The Development of Medium- and Large-Scale Sustainable Manufacturing Process Platforms for Clinically Compliant Solid Core Nanopharmaceuticals" (Horizon 2020, 2015- 2018);"EVO-NANO - Evolvable platform for programmable nanoparticle-based cancer therapies" (Horizon 2020, 2018- 2021). 646364, 2015-2019, Project Coordinator, Senior Researcher.