Francesco Tantussi

Personal Information

Francesco Tantussi


Short CV

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    He is a senior researcher at the Plasmon nanotechnologies unit leaded by Dr Francesco De Angelis. His main expertise are on nano-phonics and plasmonic with particularly attention on exploiting the near field for measuring, mapping and modifying surface at nanoscale. With his activity in IIT his experience has then shifted more to the application of nanophotonics to the biological field, especially for high performance sensing and mapping of bio samples. He also is inventor co-author of three patents and published more than 60 papers on peer-review impacted journals; H index = 14. Dr. Tantussi has been involved in many projects, among them: FET-Open PROSEQO (2016-2019); ERC CoG, Neuro-Plasmonics (PI Francesco De Angelis, 2014-2018), E2-Plas, EC FP7: NanoSci-E+ (2009-2012).