Francesco de Angelis

Personal Information

Francesco de Angelis


Short CV

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    He is senior researcher at IIT where he leads the Plasmon Nanotechnology Unit (26 members in total: 3 researchers, 8 post docs, 11 PhD students and 4 technicians, total allocated budget 2.1Meuro/year). His main expertise relies on micro and nano-optical devices for biomedical applications. He currently holds an IDEAS-ERC Consolidator grant (Neuro-Plasmonics, grant agreement 616213). The aim of the project was the development of a radically new interfaces between electrical/optical devices and neuronal network. He is also coordinator of the PROSEQO project (FET Open, grant agreement 687089) that is devoted to next-generation methods for protein sequencing. He published more than 150 papers on peer-review impacted journals; total impact factor > 1000; H index = 39.