Personal Information
Henk Leeuwis
Lionix (Vice-President, Strategy and Innovation)
Short CV
:Obtained hi MSc degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Twente. He has been active in micro/nano system technology for over 35 years. He has been project manager and department head including the responsibility for marketing and sales (Dutch Centre for Micro-Electronics (1984-87), 3T BV (1988 - 2001). Since January 2002 he has been Executive VP and Head Space Dept at LioniX BV (since 2016 LioniX International BV) and since 2012 he is responsible for R&D project initiation in national, EU and NSO/ESA framework as Vice-President Strategy and Innovation. He has been and is active in numerous European programs as project leader for RTD projects and as proposal evaluator. He is Honorary Founder of the Dutch Micro/Nano Technology Association MinacNed and is involved in numerous governmental task forces and committees. Henk Leeuwis is being active in business development for lab-on-chip technology over the last 25 years including collaborations with biotech, pharma and medical partners. He is one of the initiators in establishing an ecosystem in the area of Personalized Medicine and Companion Diagnostics in the Netherlands.